Friday, June 24, 2005


With the duplicitous passage last night of Bill C-48 and the imminent passage of Bill C-38, I thought it might be interesting to address the issue of the so-called conservative ‘Hidden Agenda’.

If we understand it correctly at The War Room, it seems that there are several things that the New Left is seriously concerned about should there ever be a Stephen Harper led Conservative Party of Canada government. These concerns, as routinely alluded to by such pristine institutions as our universities, media, neo-Marxist activists, artists, and musicians seem to be as follows:

1: immediate outlawing of abortion on the spot, and forcing of all women to undergo mandatory forced pregnancies like something out of a bad Margaret Atwood novel.

2: immediate outlawing of same-sex marriage on the spot and as a result, a ban on homosexuality thereby filling our jails with the billions and billions of gay men who populate the country.

3: the immediate formation of a theocracy whereby every man, woman and child would be forced to attend either an Evangelical or Roman Catholic Church once a week and adhere to its tenets

4: immediate dismantling of that great bastion ‘truth’, the CBC

5: not allowing radical feminists and gay rights activists to dictate all family and social policy in the country

Now, if anyone is loopy enough to believe any of these would actually occur under a Conservative government, I surely cannot dispel your views at this point nor will I try. I am tired of being on the defensive. But, perhaps instead, using Bills C-38 and C-48 as a stepping stone, maybe we can analyze the potential ‘Hidden Agenda’ of the neo-Marxist NDP-Liberals. I came up with the following list based on hearing versions of these views expressed in various forms over the past years by university professors, students, government officials, newspaper columnists, artists and friends.

Could these be in the ‘Hidden Agenda’ of the NDP-Liberal alliance given a long enough timeline?

1- all churches will eventually lose their tax-free charitable status due to passage of Bill C-38

2- all church run charities and battered women’s shelter’s will eventually be shut down as a result of the above;

3- within 2 years of passage of the National Child Day Care plan, all private daycare facilities will be ordered shut down

4- within 4 years all children aged three and up will be forced to enter National Child Day Care

5- all Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox Jewish and Muslim parents will officially not allowed to adopt children due to their ‘intolerant’ and ‘hateful’ views on SSM and morality, which is not sanctioned by the government

6- The Separate School Board will be shut down as a bastion of ‘hatred, intolerance and bigotry’ incompatible with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. All other private schools are then necessarily closed down after this move in the name of fostering a system of ‘inclusiveness’

7- all children in the public school system will be forced to undergo mandatory ‘morality’ interviews twice per annum. The child's parents are not allowed to be present. Any child that holds views that are deemed ‘intolerant’ or ‘immoral’(i.e. Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox Jewish or Muslim) will be taken away from their parents as ‘victims of abuse and oppression’ and forced to be reared and raised in state run National Child Day Care facilities

8- The Canadian military will continue to be depleted and more soldiers die due to sub-standard equipment.

9- Cigarettes will be seen as the moral equivalent of heroin and heroin will be seen as the moral equivalent of a sugar high thanks to a government ‘educational campaign’

10- Young women and men on welfare are forced to become prostitutes as this will now be seen as a legitimate occupation by the Canadian NDP-Liberal government (they will not be allowed to choose homo or hetero-sexual as to do such would be ‘discriminatory and bigoted’)

11- To give your child a gender specific name will be seen as a form of ‘child abuse’ and ‘bad parenting’. A government ‘educational campaign’ will foster this notion

12- The Holy Bible will be banned as a form of ‘hate literature’ that threatens democracy. Mein Kampf and The Marx-Engels Reader will still be readily taught and available.

13- Canada will continue to shirk its moral responsibility in alleviating 3rd World Debt but will continue to smugly say it is the most moral and superior nation on earth because of passage of Bill C-38 and unlimited abortion.

14- Canadians will have to learn to accommodate the fact that 78% of their salaries are now taxed to pay for increased government programs. To question this will be said to be ‘unpatriotic’ and a new government ‘ad campaign’ will be launched to make you ‘proud to pay my share’.

15- The NDP-Liberal alliance will decree that Roman Catholics, Orthodox Jews, Evangelicals and Muslims are a threat to democracy and as a result will be denied the right to vote. The argument is that if their allegiance is really to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ and not Canada, allowing them to vote violates the democratic nature of the separation of Church and State.

16- The NDP-Liberal alliance will decree that since Canadians overwhelmingly approve of their governance, any other form of government is a threat to freedom and Canadian democracy. As a result, all other parties and ideologies will be outlawed and Canadians will be denied the right to vote in the name of ‘freedom and democracy’. Torontonians will recognize this as true freedom and smugly laugh at the ‘stupid, naïve’ Americans who still trot out every four years to general elections.

17- Standard Time in the West will be eradicated as a form of ‘divisive Christianity’ in favour of a more 'inclusive' New Age-centric measurement (ie. that the year is Two Moons Past the Earth Sun of Gaia). Rick Mercer will lead a government ‘educational campaign’ to encourage Canadians to ‘get with the times’.

18- Canada will become the first Western democracy to devolve into a neo-communist state with the full will and consent of its populace. It will not be called this however; it will be called a ‘New Democracy’.

Now, we here at The War Room do not believe all of these will or could happen, but we do firmly believe some of these will occur in the next decade and most certainly in our lifetime. Before you think we are ourselves devolving into a state of hyperbole and rhetoric, please note that some of these are already being threatened (take a guess which), while variations on others are already happening in ‘democracies’ around Europe and in America (I leave you to research which ones but you might be surprised). Similarly, I can only stress enough, all of these ideas I have heard expressed by people on the left in some form over the past few years.

Please remember, history is always in flux and what seems improbable to one generation is reality to the next. Ask yourself, a scant ten years ago did you believe that two men could ever be called ‘husband and husband’? Did you foresee that you would be called a 'bigot' or 'unenlightened' for teaching your children that there are differences between the sexes? Could you have foreseen that the Pope would be seen as an extreme controversial figure of morality while the likes of the Dalai Lama and New Age Guru’s are seen as sane, relevant and mainstream?

We all have friends that call themselves progressive. The next time you are with them, ask them this: What exactly are you progressing towards? Start asking questions to these people and make them go on the defensive.

I invite you all to take a guess as to which one of the above are most probable to happen in Canada in our lifetime and invite you to make your own suggestions as to what the NDP-Liberal 'Hidden 'Agenda' might be.


At 8:04 AM, Blogger Oliver said...

The Liberal-NDP Hidden Agenda:

1, 2 and 13 within 5 years.

3-6 within 10 years.

12 likely within 10 years, if not just outside it.

7, 10, 14 within 15 years.

15-18 shortly after 15 years from now.

8 will be corrected soon. A Police state can't oppress the people without a substantial military.

I wish I were joking. Scary times we live in.

At 5:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Liberal-NDP Hidden Agenda

This is truly alarming but not suprising.

I find No. 7 particularly chilling
and no. 12 as well. The truly frightening thing is that there is every possibility that these idea's will become law.

The other alarming thing is this. The Liberal Party do not neccessarily believe in this nonsense (They don't believe in anything), but they will adopt such measures to keep in power and retain the approval of the MSM.

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

Modern history shows that whatever the 'kook-fringe' leftwing ideas are today, they are being debated in parliament tommorrow. I've gotten myself to a point where they cannot shock me anymore. I can only fight for what's right.

Thanks for the comments.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Canadianna said...

You're list might not seem so far-fetched in a year or two.
Look at all the Orwellian stuff that's been happening - who'd have thought it would really head that way.
Another thought provoking entry.


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