Wednesday, October 19, 2005


First off this article in USA Today that says how teens think oral sex is ‘like…no biggie’.

“Among teens, oral sex is often viewed so casually that it needn't even occur within the confines of a relationship. Some teens say it can take place at parties, possibly with multiple partners”.

Make no mistake, this is the true legacy of Bill Clinton’s presidency. Not the Middle East, not the economy and not his relationship with Hollywood. It is the fact that he made oral sex just another ‘thing’ for emotionally detached and disengaged teenagers to do on a Friday night. Now, almost a decade later, those kids that came of age during the Lewinsky fiasco and heard all of the media defending Clinton and his lying are seeing it as not a big deal. And the price further generations pay for the decadent indulgences of the baby boomer ‘me’ generation will just go on and on and on…

As for the new Strategic Council poll that puts the Conservatives at 25% to the Liberals 38%. To quote a song, “Don’t let the bastards…drag you down”.

What is wrong with Canada cannot be fixed by a minority government win by Stephen
Harper. That would only result in a daily caterwaul by the Toronto media of ‘racism’, ‘misogyny’ and ‘homophobia’.

Canada’s problems are deep rooted to the core. It is fed by a system of teachers, professors, judges, unions, media, corporations, lawyers etc. And it will not change any time soon. Like Clinton’s legacy, future generations will pay for the ignorance of the Canadian public now and no 2 ½ year term by the Conservatives would fix it.

That said, I respect and admire Stephen Harper. My advice; don’t go out like a lamb. Go out like a lion. Become a true Conservative and call things like you see them. To hell with the media. Call Paul Martin a ‘lying crook’ in those terms. Tell people political correctness is a load of BS and a culture based on dependence is a culture based on weakness. Hey, it worked for Richard Pryor in Brewster’s Millions.

Here is another story from US NEWS that says Vice President Dick Cheney could resign and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice could be elevated. I seriously doubt this would happen but it would set the stage for Condoleezza Rice in 2008. I personally would love to see her run and would love what she could bring to the office of the President of the United States.

That Hillary Clinton is the Democratic candidate is a lock. She will be tough to beat. Make no mistake. However, I would love to see how the left tries to make the argument that Condoleezza is a ‘racist’ or a ‘misogynist’. They would have to get a whole new playbook. And remember, Hillary Clinton also supported the War in Iraq. It would also force both the African American vote and the women’s vote-already bleeding to Bush- to consider their options more closely.

That would make for a healthy election and some great debates.

And finally, our support and respect goes to former NDP MP Bev Desjarlais. Were she in my riding I would vote for her in a heartbeat out of principal. Jack Layton and Svend Robinson said she would pay for having a conscience and they came through on their threat.

I have never had too much respect for Jack Layton, he always seemed too rooted in the elite, wealthy Toronto ‘arts’ crowd. Now, I have none. He has shown he has no tolerance for conscience, freedom of religion, or democracy.

I recommend those that support her-of any party-call her constituency office and offer her a voice of support. These things help.


At 8:43 AM, Blogger Les Mackenzie said...

I'm glad Bev Desjarlais had the clarity of thought to vote with her constituents but I'm not a 1 issue type of guy and don't agree with the NDP policy that she has espoused so far so I wouldn't vote for her even if I had the chance.

Her first mistake was throwing in with the NDP - this is the political result.

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today's NDP revolves around the limousine liberal, Naomi Klein socialism of Toronto-Danforth. All these polling firms I'm willing to bet are based in or around his riding so of course they're going to just love him and trump him and his extremist social engineering agenda forward. What's next? Libby Davies is pushing to have prostitution decriminalized! You see, they're "working for Canadians." I frankly don't believe the polls because no one where I am likes having their money stolen to buy votes or the Layton-Martin social agenda. And better yet, no one I know watches the CBC with any regularity. While I think it's too late for the COnservatives this time around, I still think another 4-5 years of Liberal rule will have exhausted peoples' tolerance of corruption, arrogance, waste and stupidity. So we can look forward to 2009-11 :).

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

Les and Fabian,

Thanks for the comments.


You have nothing better to do than write song lyrics bashing conservatives to tunes that are over thirty years old and most of your audience won't know?

Damn...I wish I had the time on my hands that people like you do.


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