Tuesday, October 11, 2005


This is the sort of article that does not surprise me at all. It is in today's Toronto Star where Joey Slinger goes on a vitriolic, hate filled rant against Roman Catholics. He suggests shutting the church down, mocks the Eucharist etc.

Do not buy that this is a satirical argument. This is the real deal in a major Canadian newspaper.

He is defending Paul Martin against potential retaliation from the Vatican. Now I have just written extensively on this issue and will not re-iterate my arguments but please note what I have said all along that the New Left's philosophy is grounded in the Marxist/communist movements of the 1950's and 1960's. They do more than just apply it to economics however, and also apply it to issues of gender, race and sexuality.

Hatred for Christianity/Catholicism is a prime component of this and it will not abide in Canada anytime soon. With the New Left, the 'whack-job' idea thrown around today is debated in parliament tommorrow...and usually passed as law.

Things are going to get much worse for Catholics and Evangelicals in Canada before they get any better. Of that much I am sure. The level of vitriol I have heard from some of my own friends, unsolicited, regarding Catholics in the past week alone makes me feel this will come to a head sooner than later.

Canada is headed for a massive showdown between church and (Liberal) state and it will affect many.

Normally on principal I do not agree with the concept of hate crimes laws; but if Canada is to be a country where Bishop Fred Henry can be called before a human rights tribunal for being a Catholic, then I do demand consistency.

Now, I am not naive; the Ontario Human Rights Commission is a veritable kangaroo court which is pure New Left and they are most likely laughing with the hate of Slinger's article as I write. So be it.

Should this issue affect the Liberals in large Toronto ridings populated with many older ethnic Catholics (ie. Davenport/MP Mario Silva, Eglinton-Lawrence/MP Joe Volpe) expect them to take action soon.

Regardless of one's personal beliefs, freedom of religion is tantamount to a democracy. The issues of freedom of speech and freedom of religion are inextricably intertwined. There cannot be one without the other.

New Canada has found its home and it will tolerate no one who disagrees with it.


At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article has caused quite a stir. Check out this post too:


At 8:49 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Thank you for the article.

This article is a double edged sword. To not acknowledge it is to let hate slide. Yet...I am very sure the editors of the Star knew it would cause this reaction and are laughing at their latte Rosedale parties.

These are certainly strange times indeed.

Thanks again.


Yes, Slinger's comments targeted at any of the other groups you mentioned would not have been published to begin with.

I know that this is coming to a head in Canada just from the comments my friends make. They come out of school filled with anti-Catholic Marxist rhetoric and a copy of The DaVinci Code under their arms.

They want blood and are demanding to get it.

And these are people I call my friends.

Thank you again for the comment.

At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you're a liberal/socialist when you think people who go to church on Sunday mornings are more dangerous than radical Islamic jihadists. But then, this is the Toronto Star. When will these socialists realize that we are a for the most part asecular tolerant society because we are Christian. Do these people know that such a criticism of Islam in some countries will literally mean a death warrant? Where is Salman Rushdie living now? Um, in a Christian country no doubt. I love how this idiot talks about how mosques are "remote" when there are Muslims who want Islam to rule the world where mosques would be upfront, prominent and dominant in every aspect of life. So "Slinger" count your blessings you live in a Christian country.

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Thanks for your comment. Sadly, most people do no realize that this is not just a Catholic issue. It is one that goes to the crux of freedom of speech and freedom of religion and these are the cornerstones of any democracy.

What the New Left doen't realize is that it is actually they that want to push us into the dark ages.


Yes, the hypocrisy of the Star is staggering. Yet, every paradigm and moral worldview has a villain.

The New Left is rooted in Marxism and oppression theory and to them the main villain is Christianity. Christians tend to get these weird notions about being free that just doesn't sit well with the Marxists.

The governemnt can't be in charge is God is.

Thanks again for your comment.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Callmeteem said...

Thanks for the post.I am genuinely afraid for the future of freedom of religion and freedom of speech in Canada.

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Thanks for the comment. I do believe things will get worse before better.

What Christians of all stripes must remember in these times is that their beliefs ultimately fill them with a spirit of victory...not despair.

All the best.


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