Wednesday, September 14, 2005


We just returned from our Honeymoon yesterday, somewhat reluctantly. I fell in love with Britain and even though there is an element of political correctness there, it has not permeated the culture the way it has defined Canada. We’ll deal more with it later but for now…

The issue about the four Quebec Conservatives (although I do not know if they are conservative) calling for Stephen Harper to resign is both angering and pathetic.
On CFRB this morning, Bill Caroll also called for Harper to resign and took calls. The so-called ‘conservatives’ that phoned in stunned me with their lack of intellect and understanding. Like Caroll, they merely parroted back the Liberal slander against Harper as though it was non-biased in the first place. Caroll at one point even said he would vote for Bob Rae if he headed the Liberals.

This is the same New Left Bob Rae that instituted the racial quotas in Ontario over a decade ago that kept me unemployed for a year out of university.

There also seems to be a real anti-Christian streak developing in the Red Tory strain of conservatism that I find disheartening. I encountered it a bit in Britain as well. As though it is Christians who are holding them back even though Christians usually make up the majority of most Conservative parties in the West.

The Red Tories will defend to the death the right of the New Left to allow a 12 year old girl to have an abortion without the consent of her parents if it makes them feel sophisticated at a Rosedale fundraiser but won’t raise a finger to help the starving in Africa. They also are the least curious people in the world when it comes to understanding how media, film and culture works. They think it’s the days of Edward R. Morrow, media is non-biased and priests really are the pedophiles depicted in most Hollywood films. They are the tools of the New Left and they do not realize it. If Hillary Clinton becomes the next leader of the planet you will in part have them to thank.

The truth is many Canadian conservatives don’t get it. They would vote for a communist government so long as it has the label of ‘Conservative’ on it and they won.

I’ll be honest, I do not think Stephen Harper will win the next election. But the answer is not another leader that the Liberals can slander. The answer is not a New Left leader under a ‘Conservative’ banner.

It’s the culture, stupid!

The west has been in a progressive leftward swing since post World War II. Now that the baby boomers are middle aged, they control our media, our corporations, our entertainment and values. Their defining experience was Vietnam. They are the politically correct. They are the New Left. Any ‘conservative’ who wants to merely accept their reasoning, morals, and culture just under the name of ‘conservative’ does not understand the culture nor the meaning of the word ‘conservative’.

President Ronald Reagan understood this. I’m sure his experience as an actor helped him. He did not accept that culture was constantly headed into a socialist, moral abyss and sought to change the culture…not just win elections.

Remember this: Culture defines politics, politics does not define culture.

Canadian Conservatives must take a note from their American cousins and not be ashamed of who they are, nor should they let the New Left define them. I am thoroughly disappointed in the anti-Christian streak running through many Canadian Conservatives. They seem to think that they can take the Christians for granted. They also believe the definitions of Christians as defined by the New Left culture. The Americans have realized this but it still remains to be seen whether President Bush is listening. Many conservatives who backed him are waiting to see how his Supreme Court goes…that will be his true legacy…even more than Iraq.

As for Canadian conservatives…

Dump Stephen Harper at your peril.

Dump the Christians at your peril.

You will end up with a spineless shill for big business and pressure groups who says “How High?” when the New Left says “Jump!” You will enjoy your country of undemocratic tribunals and lack of free speech; your country of junk art and no history; your CRTC and CBC; your increasing crime and lack of discussion; your decreasing birthrate and lack of morals.

Even if you win the election, you will still be in New Left Canada.

It will be called a different name but it will still smell the same.

As for The War Room…you won’t have won based on our vote. We seek real change. If we can’t get it with the Conservatives, we’ll just go elsewhere.


At 8:27 PM, Blogger Canadianna said...

It seems like it's bad news and more bad news for conservatives, and more often than not, it's conservatives who are bringing the bad news to the fore.
You'd think that as a Party, they'd want to avoid shooting themselves in the foot, over and over again -- but in fact, they seem to enjoy tearing themselves to pieces.

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Many Canadian consevatives seem to think that the Mulroney era was yesterday and a victory is right around the corner; this is mostly the Red Tory strain.

With the exception of America, this is a really difficult time to be a conservative in the west. Again, the Americans realized that the reason was culture.

We need pundits who aren't afraid and do not back down. That see the New Left in this country and laugh. We need an Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh.

I do not however see any on the horizon.

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Les Mackenzie said...

Welcome back Nicol - hope you had a good honeymoon.

Oh... And well said. Red Tories like Carol and the other so-called media Conservatives have been getting on my nerve (yes -I'm down to my last one) lately.

The true problem with "Red-Conservatives" is the fact that the red ones want to win no matter what the cost morally or ethically.

At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you were away WL Mackenzie Redux of the Reformers Firebrand
posted a piece called "Strong's Slime Trail leads back to the PMO",
inwhich he discusses the Power Corp Cartel.

In the Comments Redux replies (his 2nd) to Anoynmous. It is the most succinct and brilliant description of the situation concerning Canada I have read.

It explains why Stephen Harper is so feared and hated by the Canadian establishment. It also sheds light of the behaviour of Belinda Stronach.

It is essential that Stephen Harper remains leader of the CPC.
They may well go down to defeat, but better to lose with your integrety intact than to win by selling your soul to the devil.

The situation for Canada is desperate. If the truth were revealed and finally recognised in Canada, the Liberal Party would be finished. However this is more important than partisan politics.

The VERY SOUL OF CANADA is at stake.

I hope you had a good time in the UK (and France) and look forward to reading your comments.

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see the big deal about these Quebec Tories complaining about Harper. Of course they want him out, they don't have a chance in hell of winning because voters in that province won't vote for a party unless the leader is one of their own. Not to mention the Quebec press gives zero attention to the Conservatives, aside from the odd negative column by Chantal Hebert, even though Harper has spent more time there than any other leader besides Duceppe. On the bright side, the party has recruited some good candidates who very well could win if the federalist vote collapses for the Libranos. It's a tough nut to crack considering the Conservatives have little history in la Belle.
Have you ever noticed that Liberals have been in power every single time there has been a national unity crisis? Both referendums, the FLQ crisis, and Meech Lake was single-handedly killed by 2 Liberals. Strange then that Quebec federalists wouldn't consider voting for someone else.
And I agree, the COnservatives don't have a chance with the constant smearing by the media. But I believe good things come to those who wait. Look at the heir apparents in the Tories compared to the Libs: Peter McKay or Bernard Lord vs umm Sheila Copps??


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