Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Ginned up on hate, the University of Saskatchewan newpaper entitled The Sheaf published a cartoon last week depicting Jesus Christ giving a 'blow job' to a 'capitalist pig'. They were called out. Now they seek to apologize. All after they took the 'principled' position of not publishing the cartoons offending Islam.

"The comic was actually laid out and went to print as a result of an editorial oversight and a mistake," production manager Liam Richards said Monday. "It was not our intention to have a (public) reaction to it."

In other words, Liam Richards didn't think they would be caught. Fed a steady diet of anti-Christian hate and rhetoric on the modern day university campus, Richards thought it would be business as usual.

Editor in Chief Will Robbins tendered his resignation as a result.

"In order for us to rectify this foul-up, accidental though it may be, especially given the egregious nature of the offence given to a large section of our campus community . . . someone needed to fall on their sword," Robbins wrote in his resignation letter, obtained by The StarPhoenix.

Truth is, it was no accident. I cannot hold my contempt for these people.

But people are gradually starting to realize what is being taught to their children. Just like the 16 year old high school student, Sean Allen who recorded his teacher Jay Bennish, alluding that the victims 911 were military victims on the war on capitalism.

Sean Allen is a hero. He should be given some sort of medal for his courage. The recordings can be found here amongst many other places. I encourage you to listen to them. The Bush/Hitler comparisons were the amongst the least offensive comments made although you wouldn't know that from the media.

As far as I am concerned, Jay Bennish should no more be allowed to teach children than a Holocaust denier.


At 10:00 AM, Blogger Les Mackenzie said...

So when do we riot?

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed, missing your posts Nicol. Hope all is well.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

Sorry for te lack of posts recently.

I have had some personal projects that I have been very busy with.

I will have a new Dossier up for the week-end.

Thank you for your patience.


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