Monday, September 10, 2007


Mine, that is. I am pleasantly encouraged by this new Ipsos Poll in the National Post.

"The Liberal lead over the Progressive Conservatives has dipped to five points even as a majority of voters oppose John Tory's plan for faith-based funding, according to a new Ipsos Reid poll released as the Ontario election campaign officially begins today."

For the longest time I could not get behind John Tory. I debated if I would even vote in this election at all. I think many conservatives felt the same way.

Yet, when the Ontario Liberals decided to run another election based on demonizing people of religious beliefs, I realized I could not sit this one out. This new poll tells me a lot of people are starting to feel the same way.

Nobody can call me a Tory partisan. Even Warren Kinsella (thanks for the link in August) ran one of my blog posts criticizing Tory.

I stand by what I wrote and Tory is not perfect, but the McGuinty crew have pushed the education/religion issue a little bit too much. Even if you are opposed to faith based funding, most peope know there is something really wrong with our public educational system.

Today, Moira Macdonald has a critical look at McGuinty's real track record. Here, Michael Coren also has a wonderfully acerbic column about our public school system.

The Liberals are becoming vitriolic on this issue as a way to obscure the reality and truly divide us. I sense that is why the 905 region is starting to go for Tory. I also think that if last week didn't turf John Tory, then maybe he has a better chance than even I thought. Just like Harper dealt with the Same Sex Marriage issue at the beginning of his campaign, so is Tory dealing with the education issue.

And remember, Dalton McGuinty is horrible thinking on his feet in debates and John Tory is no Ernie Eves. That was as much a factor last election as any Mike Harris legacy, no matter what the media tells you.

I actually think things just got very interesting and the Liberals will - not - get the majority even I thought they would a few weeks ago.

Things will get very interesting after the first debate.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger Raphael Alexander said...

It's true the Liberals are all over Tory after they smelled blood from the FBF snafu. Interestingly enough, it's barely an issue on his campaign site. I wonder if they're deliberating downplaying it now?

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Baconeater said...

I think you were going to vote for him regardless. But I can tell you for sure, I was going to vote for him, but now I'm not. And if the polls remain close, I'll make sure both me and my wife vote Liberal for all it is worth.

This funding religious schools is complete and utter trash. Too bad, because Tory would have had a shot on the Broken Promises platform.

What a tool he is.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The latest poll does it for me. I really do think that Tory's got a chance despite what Kinsella's pushing on his blogsite.

The whole education issue re: funding religious schools isn't phasing folks in my part of the province. Actually, I think most admire Tory for his fairness stance because people see the writing on the wall that sooner or later we're going to have to invite other faiths into the system. I'm betting Dalton does it or moves in that direction. Whose to say he hasn't already begun behind closed doors?
None of that for Tory. Upfront, tell it like it is for a change.

How refreshing from the lies and wasted money.

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Baconeater said...

I would rather vote for a lying secularist than a truth telling theocrat.

And no politicians tell the truth. If Tory did, he would admit that he naively tried to get minorities to vote for him with his ridiculous education platform.

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

"I would rather vote for a lying secularist than a truth telling theocrat."


That is an astonishing comment. I thank you for your remarks, but do you not think the term 'theocrat' is a bit overbaked and overdone. I mean Tory is a guy who marches in gay pride with a rainbow flags all over him for cryin' out loud.

To call him a theocrat is to not understand what the term means. I'm just sayin'.

When marching with rainbow flags isn't even enough to get a conservative politician away from being called a theocrat I think your side has to really examine who the real extremists are.

Last time I checked, most secularists were far more militant than people with religious values.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Joanne (True Blue) said...

Glad to have you aboard, Nicol!

There are no perfect politicians out there. We sometimes have to pick the best of a poor selection.

I admire Tory for sticking to his guns and not backing down when the heat was on. This shows he's not a flip-flopper.


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