Wednesday, September 05, 2007


That whole 'University of Zero' stuff is exactly why I could never vote for the Liberal Party and can't stand the mainstream media.

To call this a non-issue is to make too big a deal of it. But the Liberals, and progressives in general, excel at language parsing to take things out of context to create an image of a scenario that does not exist.

What the left has done over the past two decades with regards to parsing of linguistics and context I can only call the rape of the English language. There is no other term for it. I remember seeing James Carville in an interview a few months back and he repeated again and again that context did not matter to him.

For truth, context is everything, but that is a philosophical notion that most relativist progressives do not believe in.

The reasons why American conservatives have made some inroads in the past two decades is because people like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh realize that progressives play for keeps and they hit back hard. Yes, Coulter may be crass and crude, but she realizes her opponents will not let up and will keep their jackboot on your throat until you can't breath.

Then they will press a little harder.

If I were John Tory during my first debate these are three things I would repeat again and again as a mantra.

1. Dalton, why do you insist on treating people of faith as second class citizens?

2. Dalton, do you not think it is racist to call working class Muslims and Jews who want faith based education segregationists?

3. Dalton, do you intent to keep your views consistent and dismantle the Catholic school system?


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