Friday, July 29, 2005


In the fall of 2003, just after David Miller won the mayoral campaign there was a town hall meeting broadcast by CFRB radio. Newly minted Mayor Miller was in attendance as was then Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino and several councilors. Many members of the Toronto community came to address the problems of crime which was on the rise in Toronto. Inevitably, what arose amongst citizens was not that crime in general was the main concern, but random gang violence.

As I listened, it became apparent that the majority of people who cared the most about this issue was the black community. One woman passionately pleaded for something to be done because she said her son had recently been a victim of gang violence. Another man identifying himself as a Baptist minister said that our schools were useless because they no longer taught values since God or right and wrong were not allowed to be mentioned. These voices from the black community cried out for help. Literally. When the mother spoke and began to scream in tears because her son had been killed I called my fiancée. Only the hardest of hearts could not have been moved.

Personally, I still do not believe Mayor Miller heard the cries. Hs comments earlier this week only confirm my belief. I wish it wasn’t a factor but why is it that so many of the most staunch defenders of the ‘leftist’ status quo in Canada and political correctness in general are middle to upper-middle class white people in academia, media and law? Yes, there are exceptions, but more often than not, this is the case.

The problems with the violence in Toronto have to do with community, culture and family. We live in a society which puts any problems with race under the carpet unless there is a politically correct answer. I have heard many in the black community speak and many believe the issue goes to the lack of religion or values in our schools and the fact that no longer are we allowed to speak about issues such as right and wrong with certainty to our children. Unfortunately, one must also mention that statistically, young black men are the highest demographic to be raised without a strong male father figure role model.

Now, anyone who would use these statistics to state that all people of a particular race or descent as being prone to be more inclined to criminal activity would be racist and as I mentioned before that should not be acceptable. But anyone who refuses to acknowledge these facts, is guilty of a form of racism that is more insidious. A form of racism that is implicit and latent; a form of racism that lies dormant and does not want to acknowledge truth because to do so would be to disrupt the status quo that has been maintained in Toronto culture for the past two decades.

David Miller would rather blame America because it allows him to ignore the fact that his own world view which values secularism over faith and adult sexual freedom over family is part of the root of the actual problem. Mayor Miller’s world view is one that places relativist values over empirical values and the corrosion of the family unit over the value of family to society.

Mayor Miller also does not want to give the police money to fight the problem. Formed during the radical turbulence of the 1960’s, David Miller’s world view sees Vietnam as his life-changing experience. In his view, police are violent co-conspirators in a state that seeks to oppress left wing ideals and America is nothing but a force for evil in the world. His view sees any traditional form of authority or morality as retrograde to progress while cleaving desperately to the modern edicts of political correctness and neo-Marxist social policies. Because Chief Fantino saw the problems with crime in Toronto, Mayor Miller would never afford him respect and Toronto suffered as a consequence.

When I attended last November’s Remembrance Day ceremony at city hall, I was saddened to see David Miller use it as an opportunity to wax nostalgic about how he opposed the Vietnam War and the war in Iraq as opposed to honoring those who fought for Canada during WWII and indeed all wars. Mayor Miller’s generation sees themselves as the forbearers of a brave new world, when they really have become all that they have feared. The old guard; that establishment hanging onto values and rules that no longer apply through a corroded system that is obsolete.

Toronto is still a relatively safe city to live in. But it is not a safe city to live in; certainly not for the increasing numbers of families hit by violence and gangs. To confront this is to confront real issues of race, family, and faith and how we are increasingly living in a society that values none of these; only the blanket of political correctness which covers that most valued asset of all…truth. Political correctness is much more menacing than just dictating what language one can use. Is it is the lie of not being able to say what you see.

Mayor Miller will have to face this issue someday. As he sits in his house, one night in a part of Toronto I can’t even afford to visit, someday he will have to acknowledge truth.

Sooner or later, you can run from the truth, you can hide from the truth, but the truth ultimately has a way of finding you.


At 7:31 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Excellent job Nicol.

I had been hoping to find the time to address the racial elements of the recent shootings, but alas could not.

I'll direct readers your way.

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Thank you very much for you kind comments.

This is a topic that affects all of us and I am glad that you found my remarks relevant.

All the best.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

Resevoir Dog,

David Miller is one of the reasons I keep telling people the whole "Stephen Harper is not charismatic enough" gripe is a smokescreen.

David Miller has virtually no charisma and you are right, he is extemely narrow-minded in his worldview and very vindictive. He even said earlier this year he would campaign against Stephen Harper should an election be called. Is that the role of a city Mayor?

Mayor's should be for the entire city and go beyond political ideology. That is why (in theory) they don't run with a party label. David Miller refuses to act like this. Unfortunately...the people of Toronto pay.

But then again...the people of Toronto elected David Miller.

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nicol,

Thanks for your kind reply to my comment. I do have my own sort of blog, sort of online journal. But I'm not ready to share it with everyone, so I wanted to email the link to you, but cannot find it anywhere on your blog. What do you suggest?


At 2:22 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


I have now added my email address to my profile. Please feel free to send the link to me there.

I look forward to reading your thoughts.

All the best.

At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post! It's absolutely true some groups have a greater inclination to commit a crime than others and poverty isn't the sole explanation. I live in Regina, which recently won the distinction as the crime capital of Canada including highest per capita murder rate. Needless to say, no media would report that vast majority of violent crime here is committed in the inner city and by Aboriginals. In fact, 8/10 of Aboriginal males here will in some way be involved with the justice system before they turn 21. The media here is so PC that when describing a suspect of a crime, they won't even mention the race. But the race is usually a foregone conclusion anyway.

I briefly worked as a loss prevention officer (floorwalker) and I was admonished not to follow just natives because heaven forbid, that would be racist! Political correctness will be the end of us. It's nice to see some aren't afraid to speak the truth.

At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to ban all censorship.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Yes we may very well have to hit rock bottom. Sad but many others feel the same. I'll talk about an article later today that deals with this.


Thanks for the kind comments.

I do not believe that certain demographics are prone to crime for genetic reasons or anything like that. Obviously there are many reasons...poverty, family, culture and what one is taught.

Unfortunately I believe many groups are taught to see themselves as oppressed and this leads to a downward spiral where they have no hope. Most of the people that teach them this are white leftists in academia/the media adhereing to Marxist models of 'oppression theory'. This theory is also very popular in South America where it is used to justify communism etc. and hence the Naomi Klein, Avi Lewis mode for viewing the world.

It also serves to keep the predominantly white leftists in power.

Then when things get out of hand due to political correctness,we as a culture are not allowed to acknowledge it and the cycle never breaks.

I have one friend who is a white, beautiful, blue-eyed blond actress who lives in a wealthy part of Toronto and is desired by many men but believes that she is oppressed because it was the way she was taught to see herself in school.

It's sad really...but until people start speaking up...the cycle will go on.

The NDP/Liberals in Canada depend on this.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Mitch said...

I would point out, that the way things are going - Toronto is following the history of Detroit in many aspects. There is already a lot of 'white flight' of the middle class from Scarborough and Etobicoke up North to areas like Barrie. The downtown core is starting to be decrepit and crime ridden, and the high taxes are causing businesses to relocate in the suburbs. Don't forget, Detroit has been governed by 'progressive' Democrats for the past 50 years so the parallels are there.

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Yes, many people, especially familes of all demographics-not just white-are leaving Toronto which is why rental prices and housing prices are going down...and the people just don't want to see it.

Toronto is no longer a family friendly city. The crime is ignored and at virtually every subway stop in the downtown core is a huge billboard/ad for gay phone sex.

Families have no say over the educational or social policies of Toronto which is essentially being dictated to by radical feminists and gay rights activists. It has been like this for about a decade now.

Hardly a place where I would seek to raise my kids.

Many others also agree.


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