Thursday, May 04, 2006


Carolyn Bennett's comments on Stephen Harper's budget if said while the Liberals were in power would have sent me into convulsions. Today however, with Prime Minister Harper at the helm, while read over my morning cup of coffee, just made me laugh...and hard.

"Calling the Conservative approach "spiteful," Bennett added: "There's actually no plan for early learning and child-care spaces. So it's a good job they're putting more money for prisons in the budget, because we're going to need them if we don't get this early childhood right."

Got that, mom and dad? If you two incompetents are left on your own to raise your kids, they're headed for prison! "

As most of you know, Bennett is a potential new leader for the Liberal Party of Canada. She used ot be off of my radar but a month or two ago I saw her as a panelist on Michael Coren's show.

Remember, the posts I wrote on my radical feminist university professors? The ones who thought the traditional family was was a form of 'Judeo-Christian patriarchal oppression' that needed to be destroyed; the ones who thought all children should be reared as pansexual creatures nurtured by the state. Y'know, the nutter ones who would earn the label 'feminazi'.

Bennett seemed totally cut from that cloth. As she stammered in a quivering voice and prefaced many of her points with the always welcomed phrase 'feminist theory states' I felt like I was an undergrad again.

She does not have a hope in hell of winning the leadership, but she will try to influence it. She will try to drive the leadership further to the extreme left (yes, that is possible).

It seems the left in Canada are finally coming unhinged just like their American counterparts...and not a moment too soon.

The Liberal Party of Canada, new home to the kook fringe.


At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh great! Carolyn Bennett has sent out the spammers, Nicol.

I saw a sign on Bloor Street today that said something like "Mommy, one day I want to wipe out all the white, patriarchal, homophobic, bullshit too."

I thought it was satire...

I was wrong.

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberal arrogance. Should we really be surprised?!

At 12:46 AM, Blogger metasyntactic variable said...

KevinHarolds 4 69: Is that a degree in women's studies?

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

I saw the sign on Bloor St too.

It would be really funny if it weren't so sad.


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