Tuesday, December 12, 2006


One of the more important news items recently was the Alliance of Women Journalists Awards.
Among the many important nominations were:

1. Babel
2. Borat
3. Little Children
4. Notorious Bettie Page
5. Sherrybaby

At first glance, these awards might seem like a step in the right direction; but one quick read of the website proper proves we have a long way to go.

First off, there are countless references to the word "women" which only fosters a subtextual reliance on patriarchal norms and assunptions in our phallocentric society. Could the more proper and appropriate 'womyn' not have been included instead?

Similarly, what of the semiotic implications for usage of the misogynistic term 'actress'; another word that only furthers the capitalist, post-colonialist exploitation of class and gender in Hollywood and society at large.

Were generations of 'actresses' not exploited for profit by an imperialist corporate patriarchal structure that sought to define 'women' only in terms of the male gaze?

The nominations are equally distressful. The inclusion of Kate Winslet (Little Children) seems to imply a woman can be sexual even after birth; but upon closer inspection it only furthers the slave-like condition that womyn are little more than 'baby machines' and seeks to lull them into a dichotomy with themselves in that hetero-normative societal role.

If I have to tell you what is wrong with the inclusion of Gretchen Mol (Bettie Page) you are a dupe to the patriarchal, capitalist, Judeo-Christian power structure.

The only glimmer of hope is the inclusion of Borat. By including male nudity amongst the womyn, these awards can make a point about nature vs. nurture and the hetero-normative gender assumptions that plague all of us.

Hopefully, enough men will see Borat's nudity and feel comforatable in being aroused by him as the more patriarchally convential, Ms. Winslet and Ms. Mol.


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Red Vein said...

hetero-normative gender assumptions that plague all of us.

If it weren't for 'heteros-normative', maybe you wouldn't be here ... Gay birthrates ain't that good.

Hetros have it more difficult because thry have to get to know someone of the opposite sex. Homos don't. So Heteros have to work harder at relationships, plus have kids too.

Homos just get snide with alltheir spare time. That's not very nice to heteros and not healthy for their own gay mental health either, which we can already see is a problem, because they spend so much time blaming other people.

At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best wishes.3Ffosamax
Best wishes.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Canadianna said...

Hey Nicolas -- Where are you? Is everything okay?


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