Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I have a strange feeling about Barack Obama. Not just that he has a real shot at being president, but that he also would not be as hard left as many think.

I know, I know, his voting record (when he doesn't just say "present") is pretty hard left and his base is the corporate and academic elites I always rail against.

Yet, I think he has bigger designs.

This video where he mentions Ronald Reagan also makes me think Obama genuinely wants to be an American president for all and not just run on the fumes of the tired, soggy old 60's baby boomers. I am not saying he can do that...just that he seems to want to.

He has a huge hill to climb as the Clintons will not give up without a huge fight and many African American leaders have yet to endorse him.

Nevertheless, he has made this race one of the most interesting ones in a long time.

As for the Republicans, I think they might be like the Liberals in Canada. They need to take time to figure out what they stand for and what the believe. Personally, the current crop of GOP candidates excite me about as much as the crop of candidates that ran for the last Liberal leadership.

Yes, I just wrote that.


At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well, I'm a right of centre CPC member (though in another age much of my politics would have been dubbed classically liberal) and I am genuinely excited by Mr Obama. I'm reading his *Audacity of Hope* and I can tell you that the desire to be the Reagan bridge builder, and indeed the transcender, maybe healer, of the 40 year old Baby Boomer civil war which is US politics is really there. And you know what? It's also compelling. Mr Obama is reasonable and proffers policies I could get behind on most issues. While I would disagree with him on abortion, he at least recognizes that as a genuine moral dilemma--and frankly, no N. American politician seems ready to do anything to put a stop to the practice anyway.

Anyhow, I think the US needs a time-out for a GOP that has seriously lost its way, but I also feel that any foreseeable GOP candidate will defeat Ms Clinton. So--go Obama!


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