Monday, January 07, 2008


Not bloody likely...

But tonight, they do premiere the latest craptacular CBC waste of your tax payer dollars entitled The Border! (exclamation mark added for liberal excited effect)

From IMDB;

"This TV series is a fast-paced, hard-driving series set in Toronto in a paranoid post 9/11 world concerned with one topic - The Border, with its security crises, terrorist infiltrations, cross-border police actions, and trafficking in everything from enriched uranium to abducted children."

My first reaction was that the terrorist threats will be most likely be an evil evangelical crossing the border to bomb a Canadian abortion clinic or an evil right-wing capitalist who wants to poison the Evian supply just in time for Pride. And guess what episode 7 just happens to be called; Family Values.

More Canadian junk on your dime. Take a look at the bio's if you want a good laugh. Yes, all the "types" are there...

...the evil right wing CSIS head who is a puppy to America;

the dumb but stern Cuban American who must be corrected for her right wing views;

the dumb as nails, jock cowboy who is an ass to women;

the enlightened Muslim officer in a bigotted white man's world;

the enlightened black officer who is now an urban sophisticate from a happy small town (hey, I thought small towns in Canada didn't allow minorities to live happily!);

the fat, slobby racist conservative cop who loves his beer, hockey and sloppy dogs;

...oh and just for kicks they - do - have a Christian character....

it seems one of the female department heads has a daughter who now lives in a trailer park in Niagara Falls with her "born again" biker boyfriend!

I'll guess this mom character is the token lesbian and the trailer trash daughter will be a - huge - disappointment.

Look for Gemini nods all around.


At 7:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I guess that 'paranoid post 9/11' description is a real clue to which way this show will swing. I wonder if our border guards will be portrayed with guns or not.

Only on T.V. are the female police officers always gorgeous with their shirts unbuttoned and their hair loose!

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Spitfire said...

An avid watcher of 24, I initially I was looking forward when I heard about this show.

Finally, a Canadian show that might not suck.

Hearing that it was from the CBC; however, brought my hopes down, as knowing that it would be a Canadian attempt at 24, but would have a liberal filter on it.

I missed the premiere, and was looking on the site to see if I can download an episode (because thanks to the CRTC, I cannot watch episodes online of American TV shows). But still, Canada-TV can't get on the ball and realize that in 21C, people don't schedule their lives around TV anymore.

Thanks for the analysis of the show.

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

Canada Goose,

Yes, even on Canadian TV they have to use sex to sell.


I got into a conversation recently with someone who works on the show and they became very defensive when I suggested they put ideology before story. I like much left-wing entertainment; 24 season 5 is well written with a morally confliced right wing president and I even found Syriana entertaining. But at the CBC it is always a ham fisted lesson first and the story second.

That is the real problem. The quality of the writing.

Thank you both for your comments.

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Spitfire said...

Hey Nicol,

I just started watching old episodes online. I think your descriptions of the characters are a little over the top, then again I am usually not very critical about the media I watch.

What really bothers me about the show is the constant anti-Americanism, the hate for Ottawa, and linking our lack of military equipment domestically with Afghanistan which is apparently only about helping the Americans with the war on terror.

I am so sick on anti-Americanism in Canada. Can Canadian media/TV/movies be creative at all?

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

Hey Spitfire,

Thanks for the comment. Sorry I have been away for awhile. Yes, my initial response was based upon the descriptions on the website which seemed to fit with what I said. I agree about the knee-jerk anti-Americanism...with Surnow leaving 24, it seems like it will be going that way also.


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