Tuesday, August 02, 2005


"Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder." Arnold Toynbee

Here is a link to an excellent interview (via lifesite.net) in the Wall Street Journal with Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci. In this interview she mourns what she sees as the Fall of the West. This concept has been talked about by many but reported by few, certainly in the mainstream Canadian media which doesn’t seem to see the cliff in front of the golf cart that our country has become. Oh well, I guess all those sweating naked bodies from Pride covered in masts of gangi smoke is obscuring the view.

Fallaci talks about what both Pope John Paul II and now Pope Benedict XVI spoke extensively about. The fact that the West has grown obsessed with hating its own past and history and is obsessed with only focusing on its wrongs and nothing it has done right...not even its arts, literature or model for democracy. The fact that she is an atheist who admires the Pope says much.

I agree. Ask most university students. They are taught very little about Western European history or WW I or II…unless of course they are learning about how the West created slavery, misogyny and homophobia and tried to colonize the world in the name of Christianity and Catholicism.

On the other hand, they have consumed hours of literature about Latin American politics, South American regimes, communist revolutionaries in third world countries and some even about liberation theology (another form of Catholic bashing, which also plays a big part in their philosophy).

Again, this has much to do with the influence of Marxist and communist writers on the politics of the New Left and how it ties in with Marxist Oppression Theory.

To study Europe’s past is to study a testament to the abject failure of the communist/Marxist social and economic model. One cannot study Europe in the 20th century without encountering the stories of the millions starved, tortured and murdered in the name of communism.

Contemporary Latin/South American culture however, is rife with the stories of communist ‘revolutionaries’ and the cult of ‘Che’ which lives on in the hearts of too many middle class white university students and their professors. This gives modern day neo-communists like Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis a huge market and by ignoring European history, no one challenges their thought process.

They also tend to ignore the horror, torture and censorship in modern day Cuba.

Give the article a read if you have the time. Fallaci has much to say.

Also give this article a read if you want a laugh. It is by Globe And Mail columnist Leah McLaren. As a creedo we try to stay away from personal swipes in The War Room but...

...because I know people that went to school with Leah McLaren...

...because I've heard how she got her job...

...because I've met people that dated her...

...because I saw her about a year ago fawning like a simp on one of those youth pop-culture shows saying how 'hot' John Cusack was...

...I found it verrrrryyyy funny indeed to read a column written by her detailing how Jessica Simpson and George W. Bush are stupid.

Leah McLaren calling George W. Bush and Jessica Simpson stupid.

Funny indeed.


At 1:25 PM, Blogger Les Mackenzie said...

Socialism isn't all bad - remember... Hitler was a socialist.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

Of course...had my professors had taught me more European history...perhaps I would have known that;)

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interest in such things needs to start well before university. Parents need to foster interest in history and the like because the schools don't do the job. Also there's the perception that arts classes like history are useless so students won't take them.
I personally never took any history classes but I read a lot of history and am quite well informed if I do say so myself.
So I say parents, turn off the tv and video games and get involved in your childrens' lives.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


I agree.

I was at my wife's high school reunion during the spring. One of the class rooms we were in had students projects on the wall. They were comparisons of political and economic systems.

One student chose Che Guevera for an example of communism and all of the 'info' on the project looked like it was propaganda from communism.org. I frighten to think of what mark they received.

...probably better than the poor kid who chose George Bush for capitalism.

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nicol, I'd be impressed to hear that high school students have even heard of Che or Stalin or heck, even Macdonald or Laurier yet alone ideologies. My point was that schools don't foster interest in history nor much anything else. The only way kids will learn things like history is on their own intiative and interest, something parents need to do. I had the opportunity to attend a private high school and still, I found the teachers often gave inaccurate, superficial presentations of history and politics. It really is something that has to be done in the home. Hurray for home schooling.

At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read the interview with Ms Fallaci. She is right about the decline of the west and she is right about the threat from Islam.

I would like to leave a comment in more detail, but at the moment I'm occupied with other things and not thinking at my best. However I hope to get back to you in a day or two.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Yes, home schooling is certainly more of a realistic option. As more and more groups get tired and flat out offended by the curriculum at public schools I suspect the move to home school and private school will generally upset the public system.

I wonder how long it will be before the government tries to disallow it.


Thanks for the comment. Feel free to leave an opinion any time.

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Great picture. Thanks for the comment.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Islam is totally a threat. These girls in my class the other day wouldn't let me see what's under theere headscarves adn I was like why don't you come back were you come from anyways. And they were all like your parents were immigrants too and yused to fight with each other about that and I was like say what ever you like its not truea nd they said you used to hate catholics and I said thats not true check out mel gibson if you want to know and plus were in favour of jewsih people too. That shut up those foreighners allright.

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah, p.s. Nicole your totally right hitler was the shit homeboy.


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