Sunday, December 11, 2005


When I first started writing The War Room several months ago I began with a two part Dossier on the origins of The New Left and how modern liberalism broke away from classical liberalism both in its origins and its objectives. Now, more than ever we can begin to see through Liberal Party of Canada policy how these origins are manifesting themselves in attempt to reshape the country into a form of ‘marxist-feminist utopia’.

Classical liberalism-and most modern conservatives such as George W. Bush and Stephen Harper are actually classical liberals- has a world view that was formed from the ideology of the World War II generation. With an eye to community, faith and tolerance (as opposed to “tolerance”) they believe in a creedo that is derived from Judeo-Christian values. At the core of these values is the need for the nuclear family to sustain society both through giving examples to children of a male/female role model but also as a way of fostering in society a bed-rock; a form of social upbringing that will keep society rejuvenating itself. A unit that protects the weakest (children and elderly) and gives the strongest (mothers and fathers) a purpose to love and care for their own. Most species do this but none in a more sophisticated way then the human animal.

Modern liberalism or the New Left, was born out of the sixties generation, with its touchstone experience being the Vietnam War. Many liberals came to see America, capitalism, democracy and Christianity as a form of ‘oppression’ and blamed them for societies ills. Because they did not side with America in this war, they showed sympathy to the enemy and by default came to see the philosophies of Marxism and communism in a more sympathetic light. Enamored with the South American model of communism and liberation theology thriving under the likes of Fidel Castro at the time, they then sought to apply Marxist economic notions of 'equality' to issues such as race, gender and sexual orientation.

No group did this more so than the radical feminist movement.

Going well beyond the concept of ‘equal work for equal pay’ which is a good thing, these theorists and ‘intellectuals’ began to deconstruct the very institution of the family itself, seeing it as an oppressive, patriarchal construct that kept women in a permanent form of ‘slavery’ to a male power structure. Many used deconstructionist philosophers such as Jacques Derrida as a base. Leading feminists took this notion to both logical yet hysterical extremes. Catherine Mackinnon was a leading feminist thinker in this respect and was a very important pundit to the feminist movement in the eighties and nineties. She once called any act of sexuality between a man and a woman in the context of marriage a literal act of ‘rape’, even if consensual. Her logic being that if traditional marriage is a form of ‘slavery’, than no woman can consent to an act while in the throes of being a ‘slave’. Her logic as it were is consistent with her own world view but purely wrong and anti-human. This is at the fulcrum of what is taught in many university course syllabuses and law schools.

This world view, modern feminist theory, is of course at the crux of thinking in modern New Left liberalism and after the same-sex marriage debate and now the debate with child care, we can see how this is philosophy is trying to nurture society against its nature. Scott Reid’s appearance on television saying that parents given a tax credit for their kids would be spent on beer and popcorn’‘ should not surprise anyone. Reid is a young man and most likely was taught exactly the type of theory of which I write.

Paul Martin most likely is just a dupe to a philosophy of which he has no understanding but his quest for power makes him not question that which I suspect he knows is wrong. Modern New Left liberalism believes male/female parents are part of a corrupt system that has been ‘oppressing’ women and children for two thousand years. They see it as part of a patriarchal power structure rooted in Christianity that must be destroyed. Piece by piece; bit by bit.

Reflect a moment.

How many times have you heard a leftist defend the welfare system against accusations that many welfare recipients spend money on beer and cigarettes?

How many times have you heard leftists defend billions of dollars given to ‘arts’ programs where 'artists' get rewarded who have taken out a vile of their own blood and inserted it into their rectum like Istvan Kantor who has received a Governor Generals award. In the secular, liberal, New Left state these are forms of ‘enlightenment’ and ‘evolution’, yet parents are to be question, belittled and derided.

These views, in some form or another, are typical in many communist states such as China where government tries to determine child care policy and indeed all child policy. This view is also very white. It is I would argue the new form of white. western imperialism. Overwhelmingly the majority of immigrants that come to Canada come from demographics that are socially conservative and traditional family based. Korean, Chinese, Muslim, Italian, Portuguese etc. Sadly many of these demos also vote against their own interest and are a large reason why the Liberals are still in power. There is some change in this, but perhaps not in time for this election.

Ideological liberals and by association the Liberal and NDP parties see the modern traditional family as a threat; an evil that must be destroyed. It is why they believe trained ‘social workers’ are much better suited to rearing children than the average mother and father. Trained social workers from the modern colleges and universities will all be well versed in ‘oppression theory’ and the ‘patriarchy'. They will see Christian, Catholic and traditional morality in a negative light and instead will infuse in children the modern liberal state doctrine of ‘tolerance’, ‘open mindedness’ and ‘diversity’.

They will undoubtedly teach them sexuality from a very young age. Recall the government campaign The War Room wrote about this past summer entitled ‘Presumed Heterosexual’ with infant babies on posters plastered throughout the urban downtown Toronto core. The goal of course was to ‘open’ kids minds to pan-sexuality and non-traditional morality as soon as possible. If you doubt me, if you think I am being hysterical, ask yourself the same question I asked when I wrote about it during the summer. Why infants?

The New Left does not define ‘enlightenment’ through intellect, ration, logic or reason. They define it through being liberated from the sexual morality of a ‘two thousand year old European, patriarchal, Judeo-Christian’ power structure.

This to them is the height of the modern human being; the cult of the body and the cult of the self.

They also believe it should be indoctrinated into the child at the earliest possible of ages. This philosophy is what is behind the modern distrust of the parent and the traditional nuclear family. If poorer parents become dependant on government daycare then they have less say in what their children are taught, and the more dependant they are on the state for the rearing of their children the less likely they will be to not vote Liberal. Scott Reid knows this. He cares nothing about children, the poor or the family. He cares about the New Left state and the power it can yield to destroy the family.

For the sake of Canadian society, Day Care policy is one of the most important issues in the current election. I believe Stephen Harper knows this. I can only hope for the sake of Canada’s families and children he can convince a majority of Canadians that he is right.


At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You definitely hit the nail, but you always do. As always, an excellent post. I feel enlightened (and by enlightened I don't mean the New Left's definition) reading your posts.

Being in Sociology and going to Trent U I hear the oppression theory all the time *rolls eyes*. I am taking a Social Policy analysis and my prof is one of those radical New Lefts. I had to write a paper on pregnant addicts, and of course my opinions of personal responsibility, abstinence and saying no to drugs would not get me an A. I wrote what she wanted to hear and I got an A. At least I'm getting good practice for arguing the other side :-)

Thanks again


At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right on with this article. Thank you.

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Canadianna said...

While I think Scott Reid is an ass, he is unfortunately correct. It's not hard to see that many Canadian children are being neglected by unfit parents.

I don't know who your friends are, Nadine, but maybe you should be calling CAS.

At 11:17 AM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...


Thanks for the comment. Good luck at Trent. It is sad that you cannot speak your mind at an instituion of higher learning, but as you least you understand the other side.

I guess the story of the University student who gave Lap Dances to a dorm of drunken students and posted it on the internet without reprimand shows what is meant by 'enlightened and evolved'.


Thank you for your opinions. You don't really disprove what I am saying, you just agree with the philosophy that I disagree with.

I guess, what I would add is this.

Do you really think the average working class, poor, female (or really any demographic) of Liberal or NDP voter, votes for those parties knowing that deep down the party policy makers consist of people who believe traditional marriage is slavery, sex in marriage rape and that all women are oppressed by the patriarchy?

These are elitist terms thrown around by wealthy, largely white academics, journalists and lawyers at Rosedale parties and on university campuses. It is the new white, western imperialism. It is why largely white environmentalists are so keen to impose population control and abortion policy on poor third world countries.

It is indeed not Stephen Harper who has the hidden agenda.

I do believe that you care about people...just that you have chosen the wrong philosophy through which to do it.


Grace Advent,

Thank you for the complement.


Thanks also. I am glad to see you return to blogging.

At 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not all providers are required to have Child Care licensing. Child Care Providers who are not licensed, however,do nor receive inspections for Health and Safety and may have different staffing and ratios, training, and experience.
But, Child Care licensing may not be needed in all cases.
Link to my site: child care center in singapore


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