Monday, July 23, 2007


This story in the Toronto Star quite frankly disgusts me.

Not because I think Dalton McGuinty is a racist. Although I do not know for sure.

Not because I think the majority of people in his cabinet are racists. Although I do not know for sure.

Not because I think the people running his re-election campaign are racists. Although I do not know for sure.

But because come fall, Dalton McGuinty, his cabinet and virtually everyone running McGuinty's re-election campaign will most likely do everything they can to portray John Tory and/or his team, who I am not even a fan of, as racist, misogynist, homophobic right-wingers ready to cut social programs and destroy Ontario.

For all of my adult life, the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Ontario and the people who run their election campaigns have done everything they can to foster racial tensions in Canada/Ontario. It is disgusting. They are far worse for this than the NDP.

They find out our differences, exploit them, foster fear based on race, gender, religion and sexual orientation and say they are the only solution regardless of the cost.

If this incident, where,

"Premier Dalton McGuinty...apologized to University of Toronto honours student Evon Reid for the email from his cabinet office that used the term "ghetto dude";

had occurred in the federal Conservative or Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario it would never be lived down. Period.

It would cost them the campaign. The mainstream media would play it up whenever they could. It would be mentioned in every debate. It would tarnish the reputation of the entire party. No excuses would be allowed. Period.

The Liberal Party at all tiers, the mainstream media, the people who run the Liberal campaigns and their supporters would run with it at all costs.

I have said that I am not the biggest fan of John Tory. But I believe he is a decent man. I hope he runs with this. Do not let it die.

Because the Ontario Liberals sure as hell won't let it get in the way of how they run what will most likely be a divisive, exploitative, smear campaign.

From personal experience I can tell you that the only people I know who make racist, misogynist or homophobic jokes are my progressive acquaintances. They judge others as hateful one minute and lay into a litany of rancor the next, right before they judge others again.

What kind of culture currently exists inside the Liberal Party of Ontario and Canada that might foster this sort of bias, bigotry and attitude? The gross hypocrisy and arrogance is staggering.

I hope Evon Reid can get over this incident. It is not just a small thing. If he is a progressive, I hope he gives his vote to the NDP.

As for myself, a few weeks ago I asked why I should vote for John Tory. I think I may have just found my answer.


At 7:53 PM, Blogger Patrick Ross said...

I don't think the "Ghetto dude" email was racist -- think it was a stupid move by some retard trying too hard to be cool.


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