Thursday, October 04, 2007


This is something I could vote for if I thought they had a chance in hell. Best political idea I have read in years; and it's right from the website.

"Public education has been provided by governments in Ontario for more than 130 years. A long history of government involvement makes it difficult for most to envision an Ontario in which there is no government role whatsoever in providing this important service. Nonetheless, the policy of the Ontario Libertarian Party is to create conditions in which quality education can develop by completely ending all government participation and allowing education to be a matter of individual choice."

This will never happen in my lifetime, but it comforts me to think that there are people out there who have the same 'nasty' thoughts.


At 6:51 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

maybe you have a point, after visiting your blog, it becomes clear that the public education system sadly failed you.

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you. So long as schools receive funding without question, and it is mandatory that students be passed, and teachers receive tenure without having to produce a single result... I am absolutely for the withdrawel of government from funding education.

As somebody who had to suffer through the endless work-to-rule campaigns in the 90's and didn't have a single iota of sympathy for my bratty teachers, I say, pull the mandatory funding. Let parents decide where they are going to send their kids and where the money should go.

If there is no consequence to failing our kids, teachers and schools will have no incentive to get it right. And getting it right is one thing they haven't done yet.


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