Friday, February 01, 2008


"Education Minister Kathleen Wynne added that the proposal to create Afrocentric schools is not at all comparable to faith-based schools because the goal is to improve the grades of black students.
“The issue of faith-based education has nothing to do with student achievement,” Ms. Wynne told reporters."

This argument could be made if the curriculum at the Afro-centric schools were the exact same as that in the public school system but only the context of how it was taught is different.

But it is not.

The curriculum will be Afro-centric. Period. They will not be learning about the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. They will not be learning about Louis Riel.

That means one system of education, one value system is taken in better faith than another. That's a faith based system.

Kathleen Wynne knows this. The system is clearly about segregation. That makes Wynne a liar.

But Wynne does not really care because then she would have to answer as to why there is a segregated gay school in Toronto. And the oh so enlightened Education Minister does not want to deal with that hypocrisy.

Dalton McGuinty can stop it, he is just terrified of being called a racist. That makes McGuinty a hypocrite.

But I suspect he will fund it in the end. He is just waiting for the furor to die down. He will give them funds and it will just not get reported in the MSM. And the majority of people will forget about it for a decade until it is a huge failure and they want to blame some conservative politician running for office.

The Ontario Public School System is in a dire mess and the Toronto Public School system is even worse.

But parents vote for it. So the parents get what they deserve. My heart bleeds for the children who don't.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger TheTorontoTory said...

Where is your "Tories in Toronto" blog roll? You risk loss of membership if you do not have it!

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Joanne (True Blue) said...

I can't stand the hypocrisy of it all.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Jeff McMahon said...

Nicol, I owe you an apology. All this time I've distrusted you because I thought you were using a pseudonym, and because I assumed you were an American. Now that I know you actually are Canadian, it clears things up.

Best wishes.

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you're a blithering idiot. No wonder the province rejected Tories again. This so-called analysis would embarrass a grade four student.

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Nicol DuMoulin said...

Thanks Jeff. I have been away from this site for a while.

Thank you also Joanne.


As for the grade four students...I think they would be too busy putting condoms on bananas to care.


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