Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Joanne awares us to the fact that McGuinty is eliminating the Lord's Prayer at Queen's Park.

Whether one agrees with this or not, what is interesting is that both the NDP and the Progressive Conservatives finds this curious. The NDP actually made a great statement about the hypocrisy of it .

Especially since there was no controversy or external demand for it.

I suspect this is his first step in eradicating funding for the Separate School system, which I have said all along will be in his plans. This is the sort of simple gesture that in the mind of a politician will prepare people.

Again, even if you agree with this move, the way in which it will most likely happen will be extremely deceitful to the many people who voted for McGuinty on good

Especially odious since we have segregated schools for blacks, gays and aboriginals.

Again, I cannot prove it, but I suspect long after McGuinty is gone he will be seen in the same vein as Mike Harris. It might take a decade to get to that point, but he truly is a facile, simplistic individual.


At 12:50 PM, Blogger Joanne (True Blue) said...

That McGuinty is hypocritical is nothing new. There are some voters out there who would vote Liberal even if McGuinty robbed them at gunpoint.

Sometimes I despair of this province.


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